Every year during the Ganesh utsav celebrations, thousands of devotees from across the twin Telugu states throng the states’ largest Ganesh idol at the Khairatabad Ganesh pandal and seek his blessings.Standing tall at nearly 60 feet, the Khairatabad Ganesh gets a 6,000 kilo laddu offered freely by Malli Babu, the Andhra famous confectioner from Tapeswaram village in Athreya Puram mandal of West Godavari district.
However, the Khairatabad Ganesh utsav committee has decided to offer the holy laddu to the lord from confectioners within the Telangana region this year. Also, the laddu’s size will be reduced to 5,000 kilos instead of 6,000 kilos.Malli Babu has been offering the holy laddu as prasad to Khairatabad Ganesh since 2010. He started off with a 500 kilo laddu and kept increasing its weight every year, ending up offering the 6,000 kilo laddu in 2015 and spending 18 lakhs on the laddu.
Malli Babu now decided to offer his laddu the largest Ganesh idol which will be installed in AP capital Amaravati this year. He will meet Chandrababu Naidu to seek his permission in this regard.