Bollywood filmmaker Apoorva Lakhia (‘Shootout At Lokhandwala’ fame) justified his decision to cast Ram Charan in the remake of Zanjeer. The young actor will don the role of a tough cop, which was originally essayed by B-Town superstar Amitabh Bachchan.
“Someone who is young will suit the role of the protagonist in this remake. In my opinion, most of the Bollywood heroes fit for romantic comedies and light-hearted entertainers. There is no young action hero in Bollywood. Ram Charan is unconventionally good looking and already a proven action hero in the South. He’s perfect for the role of an angry young man,” said the director.
Lakhia revealed that Ram Charan took a lot of time to sign his first Bollywood film. “It took almost an year for me to convince the actor to sign the film. The transition from a big star (in Tollywood) to a new-comer (in Bollywood) is never gonna be easy,”
The director clarified that the script of this remake will be contemporary to suit the taste of Today’s audience. The film deals with the oil mafia, also include episodes like murders of sonavane and journalist J Dey. A leading heroine will play the female lead and plans are on to rope prominent actors for key roles. This film will go to the floors in the second half of 2012.