Nag Ashwin who impressed everyone with his debut directorial, Nani’s Yevade Subrahmanyam is working on the biopic of Mahanati Savitri as his next project. There are several rumours that the director is in talks with Bollywood beauties – Vidya Balan and Sonakshi Sinha to play the main lead in the film.
However, the director in an interview with a News Agency confirmed that he is not in talks with any Bollywood heroine to play the role. It came as a relief to every as they felt No Bollywood Heroine can match Mahanati Savitri. The Pre-Production of the film is almost complete and the movie will begin shoot in two months time.
Savitri is the top heroine in black and white days. She is the first choice heroine for Top stars those days and is also the highest paid. But then fate has tragic things for her as she had to struggle in extreme poverty in her last days. This is one film we can not wait any longer wait to see it on big screen.