In the past few days, there were a lot of speculations that Mahesh Babu will be very soon working in the remake of Tamil blockbuster film, Thani Oruvan. In one of his recent interviews, Mahesh was quizzed about it and he replied in negative. “I saw the film.
It’s an amazing movie, but I don’t do remakes. They don’t excite me. Doesn’t make sense to do something, which has already been done. I sent the director a message saying – I would love to work with you if there is any script. He was thrilled.
He said he would come and meet me in a month or two”, Mahesh said. Thani Oruvan director Raja is the son of Editor Mohan. He did some Telugu films as well before going to Tamil. There are news that Salman Khan and Ram Charan are interested in the remake of this film.