Rajamouli’s magnum opus film, Baahubali – The Conclusion is being planned for April 14th, 2017 release as Summer Special. Recently there is a buzz that Superstar Rajinikanth and Sensational director Shankar’s Robot 2.0 is also gearing up for 2017 Summer release. Film enthusiasts are worried if they are going to clash at the box office.
Clearing all rumours, Rana who plays Bhallaladeva in Baahubali – The Conclusion revealed that their film is set for an April release and will not collide with Robot 2.0. He also added that a lot of shoot is pending for both the films and there is no chance that these films can come together.
Baahubali – The Conclusion shooting is progressing at brisk pace and the entire shooting will be completed by November. Robot 2.0 has completed 50% of its shoot. Once Rajinikanth is back from his USA holiday and finishes his Kabali promotions, the shooting will resume and will go non-stop till completion.