Recently former producer-giant Ashwini Dutt has celebrated 25 years of “Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari” in style. He has come up with a special insights video where Megastar Chiru, K Raghavendra Rao, Sridevi and himself spoke at large about the thought and hardwork that went into making the movie. That video attracted many film lovers who got quite nostalgic about the fantasy fairy tale that adored silver screen long back.
At that time, Ashwini Dutt revealed his intentions to produce a sequel or remake, in Ram Charan and Raghavendra Rao combination. He stated that already story is fixed and they are working on other aspects. A birdie chirps that the whole video is a pitch for investors as there will be a need of nearly 60-70 crores budget to produce a humongous visual effects based fantasy flick.
It is being sad that, despite Ram Charan having huge potential at box office, investors are not coming forward due to K Raghavendra Rao handling the direction. Sounds bitter, but true.
Some investors are ready to join hands for “Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari” if Rajamouli directs Charan. As said and done, both these celebs are busy with their respective projects and they are in no mood to give bulk dates at this time for such a phenomenal film. We have to see what happens.