Akhil’s debut film posters are close to “Dragon Ball” movie posters. Kanche trailer looks exactly like that of “Dear John” movie. And now similar thoughts are also being heard about Nitin’s upcoming movie “Courier Boy Kalyan”. Director Premsai however rubbished these rumours.
It is widely publicised that Courier Boy Kalyan is loosely based on English thriller “Premium Rush”. This film is an American thriller that is illegally copied from the 1998 novel “The Ultimate Rush”, and fell short of collecting its budget from box office.
Talking about this, director Premsai said, “I’ve written and registered my script with writers council in 2011, while Premium Rush came in 2012. Except the fact that the lead hero of the two films is a messenger (courier deliver boy), there is nothing in common”.
Even if Premsai might have got inspired by the 1998 novel, but that doesn’t mean the film become a huge hit until he has wonderful native adoption. “I’ve actually written story for Tamil audiences. But treatment is changed for the sake of Telugu audiences for Nitin’s version. They will like it immensely”, he signed off, exuding confidence.