A couple of weeks ago, Allu Aravind has announced that he will be producing 1500 crores budgeted Ramayana which will have a couple of Bollywood producers as partners. And the film will be directed by Dangal fame Nitish Tiwari and another director, who are already said to be working on the script.
Recent talk is that none of the mega heroes might get a chance to play leads in this movie. Many thought that Ram Charan is most likely to play Lord Rama in the movie and Allu Arjun will play another prominent role. But then, director Nitish Tiwari is said to have come up with the suggestion that Hrithik Roshan will aptly fit the role but no one else.
And then, we may not expect Mega heroes taking up the roles of Lord Hanuman and villain Ravana for sure. Other than these three roles, there will be no major characters in Ramayana for star heroes, as these three will be seen throughout the epic. And those other characters need only a guest appearance.
So we have to see if any mega hero will get part of this mega project by playing guest roles or if they will turn a Hanuma or Ravana in case if Hrithik turns Rama!