Hyderabad is all set to turn Pink ahead of the plenary of the ruling Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS). Marking the party’s foundation day on April 27, the TRS will hold a plenary meet in the Cultural Centre at Kompally, the same venue as the last time. Although speculations had it that TRS would held the meeting this time (crucial election year) in Nalgonda, the district which has strong foothold for Opposition Congress, finally party chief and CM KCR said to have decided to held the plenary at the same venue as the last time.
Meanwhile, unlike last year, the top brass of TRS have decided not to hold any public meeting in April, 2018. Last year, while the plenary was held in Kompally on April 21, a public meeting was organised in Warangal on April 27. But this time, KCR said to have told the party leaders to conduct such public meeting in October or November, 2018 ahead of 2019 general elections.
So, this plenary meet at Kompally would be confined to delegates of the party. About 150 party leaders and workers from each Assembly constituency are to be invited and over 1,500 would take part in the plenary.
However, the TRS plenary gains huge significance as KCR is expected to announce a slew of welfare schemes and the party is likely to pass resolutions on the ongoing welfare schemes, development programmes being done by the TRS for the past four years. Let’s wait and see.