Ace director S S Rajamouli apart from his consecutive blockbusters, is all setting a new trend in T-town, since he has turned a partner for his production ‘Baahubali’ and would earn his share of money after trading off the film. Usually, directors, writers and other technicians draw a ‘specific salary’ for their work, but Rajamouli broke this rule too.
It all started with ‘Maryada Ramanna’ where he reportedly took share from the business of the comic-caper with producer house ARKA media and reportedly pocketed 11 crores since it was sold for 24-odd cfrores, says a source. When he got opportunity to work with the same production house again, ‘Bahubali’ he could have easily walked away with a remuneration of 15 to 18 crores, considering his enviable success streak. But he preferred to again join as a partner in the 100-crore budget and didn’t take any remuneration till date and would be waiting to make his earnings only next year, once the film is sold to distributors.
Already, producer-distributor Dil raju has pumped in 25 crores for Nizam, so others would follow suit, to cover the big investment. ‘Going the sensational craze the film has evoked, Rajamoli would be making atleast 25 crores next year’ adds the source. Being a good human, he doesn’t want to put a producer completely in ‘risk’ and prefers to share profit or loss, since the budget is huge, hope other directors follow suit, since their remuneration have become too high. Top directors should learn a lesson or two from the maker of Eega?