The Telangana RTC JAC has taken a U turn on the strike. Day before yesterday JAC Convener Ashwathama Reddy announced that they are willing to end the strike. But its been over 48 hours, the TRS government did not respond on RTC JAC proposals.
With the government being unresponsive, JAC has announced that the strike is going on. “No employees have joined back their services. False campaign is being against RTC employees. This should end,” said Ashwathama Reddy. He added that from tomorrow employees will be protesting at all the depots with ‘SAVE RTC’ placards and if still the government continues to be ignorant, then we would intensify our strike.
On the other hand, the Telangana High Court will give its final verdict on privatizing the 5100 routes on Friday. In the last two days, the court has heard the arguments from the both sides of privatizing the routes. Based on this verdict, KCR will a decision on RTC future. In yesterday’s meeting with transport authority officials, KCR made it clear that RTC’s chapter is almost closed.