People of Andhra Pradesh with lot of hopes voted for TDP-BJP combine in Andhra Pradesh and Modi government at Centre expecting that they would atleast get justice in form of special status after high handed unilateral bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh by Sonia Gandhi led Congress Government at Centre.
However right after coming to power State and Union Ministers started sending conflicting signals and finally today Union Minister Arun Jaitely speaking on the one year performance of NDA government with media at New Delhi,virtually shocked Andhra Pradesh Government.
He speaking on behalf of Union Government ruled out special status to Andhra Pradesh. He however in order to assuage the hurt sentiments and feelings of people of Andhra Pradesh said Union Government will ensure that PM Modi will be granting more than what the state would get with special status.
He boasted that Union Government already fulfilled some promises and commitments made in the AP state reorganisation act and added remaining will be fulfilled soon. He added to compensate for the loss of Hyderabad as capital,Andhra Pradesh will be compensated with sufficient funds.