The craze for Super Star Rajinikanth is unmatchable, and there is no limits for the same too. Now, if we look into the advance bookings of the film, there is a lot of hype that has been associated with the film. The latest we hear is that the premiere of Kabali is set to be screened in some of Bengaluru’s star hotels on the day it hits cinemas across the world on July 22. The proposal was still in discussions, and the final confirmation is going to be revealed soon.
If this gets implements, then it would be first of such kind on Indian screen.The film will be screened at JW Mariott (Vittal Mallya Road), Lalit Ashok, Royal Orchid (Yelahanka), Crown Plaza (Electronics City) with sound effects and Canon screens for three days, starting Friday. Four shows, with a seating capacity of 300 for each, will be held every day. The ticket pricing is approximately around rs 1300 rupees.