Director Bharat Kamma narrated ‘Dear Comrade’ subject to Vijay Devarakonda when ‘Pelli Choopulu’ was about to go on floors. The Young Actor offered an assurance that he would do the movie as he liked the subject. Post the release of ‘Arjun Reddy’, The image of Vijay Devarakonda changed completely.
Bharat Kamma approached Vijay Deverakonda with two other subjects that suit his image. Still, Vijay insisted that ‘Dear Comrade’ is the project on which they should be working.
In ‘Dear Comrade’, The story revolves around the character of the Heroine. Female Lead gets more scope to perform than the Male Lead. Inspite of knowing about it, Vijay Devarakonda wanted to do this subject with few minor changes.
Most people who watched ‘Dear Comrade’ Today were of the feeling that ‘Dear Lilly’ could have been an apt title. Such is the importance for Rashmika Mandanna’s character in this movie. She did excel in her career-best role…Lilly will be remembered for a long time.