The sensational alleged MLAs poaching issue in Telangana took a big turn with the High Court saying no to the CBI probe in the case and directing the SIT to submit the probe report to the court in a sealed cover. Hours after this Chief Minister KCR called for a crucial party meeting with the leaders.
At the meeting, the TRS founder chief also cleared the doubts on the possibility of Telangana going for the early polls as it did for the 2018 polls. Addressing the party legislators and leaders KCR said that there will be no early polls in the state and the polls will be held as per the schedule.
Having cleared the reports and doubts on possible early elections, the Chief Minister is said to have directed the party legislators to work hard for the party as the elections are barely one year from now. Asking the leaders to give their best the Chief Minister reportedly told the legislators to not fall into the trap of the BJP and not give in to the pressure. Inform me if you find any pressure the CM said reportedly.
While the meeting provided a big clarity on the early polls Chief Minister lashed out at the saffron party on the alleged conspiracy to poach MLAs. He asked if poaching is the right process to expand the party wings in the state.
Not happy with that the Chief Minister made some sensational allegations and said that the Bharatiya Janata Party tried to poach even Kavitha. KCR said that Kavitha was sent the offer to defect to the BJP party. These comments took the party legislators by surprise.
These comments came as a surprise to not just the TRS legislators but to everyone. Trying to take the ruling party MLAs is a big sensation and making efforts to take the Chief Minister’s daughter into their side is not a small thing. With the Chief Minister directly saying these comments, people are talking about this.
Did the Bharatiya Janata Party send people to hold talks with Kavitha to take her into its side is the question that is running through many minds and people are talking about the issue now?