While recent advertisement by Bollywood queen Kangana Ranaut who lent her support by portraying as Goddess Lakshmi in this commercial. This shows that, cleanliness is the way for Godliness.Where we can see Isha Kopikar, Ravi Kishan and Omakar Kapoor also stars in this video and all of them just want to tell public that, throwing garbage on roads and praying for goddess isn’t even acceptable with Godess Lakshmi, she will walk out from your houses for your irresponsibility towards public.
This commercial really makes you think about your behavioral manners and makes you educate towards Swach Bharat of our own country. Veteran Amitabh Bachchan is giving narration for this video is biggest asset as well.PM Modi feels proud for such unique way of presentation from top stars of the Bollywood Stars who share their own responsibility to make their whole nation educated on the same!!
Finally this commercial gives message to the public in very auspicious way, hope this will surely get into their minds and follow Swach Bharat slogan in their daily lives.