Buzz was extremely positive on Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam, before release of the movie. However, things have completely reversed post the release. The movie got unenthusiastic response from critics as well as public, owing to poor writing and bad making by director Srikanth Addala. Unrealistic emotions and unnecessary drama has turned spoilsport for the movie.
Brahmotsavam grossed $556,660 through premieres in USA from 149 screens. As per trade analysts, sales have slowed down in the territory owing to negative mouth talk. Early estimates suggest that, Brahmotsavam day 1 shares are around Rs 13 crores in Telugu states.
Heavy rains in Andhra have affected the movie collections in the zone. Due to over class making and poor mouth talk, the movie is doing average to below average business in ceded. Although day one collections are good in Nizam, response is weak on day 2.Reports state that, day two starts on dull note in all the centers, including Nizam. Seems like, nothing even the nature is helping Brahmotsavam to sustain at box office!