Seeking to boost its revenue by another Rs 2000 Crore per annum, the Telangana state government is planning for ‘Made in Telangana’ liquor. KCR-led government wants all liquor sold in the state to be made in Telangana itself.
It is learnt that already government is holding talks with multiple liquor companies regarding the same asking them to set up their manufacturing units in the new state. This is not all. T-governmennt is all set to announce industry-friendly policies to woo the liquor companies in Maharashtra, UP, TN, Karnataka.
According to the sales records, the state has an average sale of 17 lakh cases each month in 15 distilleries of Telangana. Of these, 3.2 lakh cases are imported from various states. Now Telangana government is focusing on these 3.2 lakh cases.
Presently, Telangana has 15 distilleries whereas two other are yet to be operational. The new state is producing Cheap Liquor and it has sales over 14 Lakh cases per month. Now the state government is eyeing to increase this sales and even contemplating to reduce “Under Proof” of liquor prices.
It is learnt that the present UP of liquor in Telangana is 25, which contains over 42 per cent alcohol. If governemnt reduces the UP to 35, the alcohol portion will fall to 37. With this, a liquor bottle that is presently sold for Rs 70 could be sold for around Rs 45-50. This naturally will boost sales.