The whole country got shocked when BJP built the statue of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, called ‘Statue Of Unity’, with around 2300 crores of people’s money. Calling it as an unnecessary waste, many critics and political analysts dubbed it as BJP’s unwanted show of power.
And then, Andhra Pradesh state’s Telugudesam folks also criticized this statue build by PM Modi and Co, but here comes the twist. Now AP government is getting ready to build a statue of TDP founder and legendary actor NTR at the new capital Amaravathi.
A report is doing rounds that the company that built ‘Statue of Unity’ is assigned the job of building ‘Statue of NTR’ at Amaravathi with 406 crores budget. The statue will be 32 feet tall and will be erected at Neerukonda area of the capital zone.
At a time when AP is in a severe budget crisis, one wonders what made Naidu spend a bomb for a statue, that too after criticising PM Modi for doing the same.