Beautiful Bangalore lady Praneetha became a point of discussion ever since her name popped out in a rumors related to Trivikram and Bunny’s movie. A major tabloid has published that this ravishing Bapu Bomma walked out of the sets of ‘Julayi’ team’s latest movie as director Trivikram shouted on Praneetha for not wearing the costumes he has wanted her to.
And then, rumors erupted about Trivikram intentionally kicking her out, but not the other way round. Later it surfaced that the unit has quashed the whole episode as they never took Praneetha on board. It appeared as if someone close to the actress is promoting her this way.
Finally the wide eyed siren has responded to the happenings, calling that someone is spreading rumors only to malign the film. “I’ve never signed this flick, so there is no question of shooting for it. It’s all just some gossip monger’s creation, smearing negativity on the flick”, says Praneetha.