Nandamuri Balakrishna is quite upbeat about playing the role of his father, legendary actor and hailed politician, N T Rama Rao on the silver screen. Though he’s going ahead with numerous other projects, it looks like the shooting of the film starts from tomorrow. Here goes the detail coming from media circles.
Actually, director Teja wants to do a test-shoot on Balayya to check how he should be modified if any to suite the look of NT Rama Rao. For that reason, they decided to do more than look-test and decided to shoot a couple of scenes. Guess what, shooting of these scenes will start tomorrow and they are going to cut a teaser from these scenes.
On January 18th, on the occasion of NTR’s vardanthi (death day), Balayya and Teja are going to release this teaser as a fitting tribute to the finest legend Telugu people have ever screen. Both for the film and this teaser, Keeravani MM is going to compose the music, while Sai Madhav Burra’s dialogues are going to be a highlight.
But after this small shoot, Balayya’s NTR Biopic regular shooting will start from May 28th on the occasion of NTR’s birthday.