It was an emotional speech from Jr.NTR on the dais of the audio launch event of his brother Kalyan Ram’s upcoming movie ‘Sher’. He took the example of the rumors that came in media regarding ‘Kick-2′. According to the media reports, NTR came from UK to sign contracts for ‘Kick-2′ loss.
To compensate the losses of ‘Kick-2′, NTR signed a project with Dil Raju who bailed out the film from financial crisis, during its release. but the Nandamuri scion denied all these reports as rumors saying that he came from the shooting of ‘Naannaku Prematho’ to see his family.
He also laid immense confidence on his brother saying that Kalyan Ram’s hand will always be on the giving side and never on the taking side. Therefore, he would always have a upper hand. He agreed with everything Kalyan Ram said on the dais on Nandamuri family being ‘ONE’ appealing to people not to divide them.