Young Tiger Jr NTR surprised his elder brother Kalyan Ram on the latter’s birthday. NTR crooned ‘Happy Birthday’ song on spur of moment, which was best part for the night. That’s not all; NTR had another surprise in store for his brother. He gifted Kalyan Ram a very expensive and solicitous gift.While Kalyan Ram organized a birthday bash on Tuesday for his new film Ism production team, NTR throw party on next day for friends and family members on the eve. The party was also attended by directors Puri Jagannadh, Koratala Siva, Vakkantham Vamsi and Harish Shankar. Subbaraj, Ajay, Thammareddy Bharadwaj and Bapineedu were the other guests.
“When everyone was in party mood, NTR got up all of sudden and started crooning ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Moved with this gesture, Kalyan Ram went to hug his brother. It was a touching moment for all the guests who clapped expressing their ecstasy,” informs a source.
Right now, the Nandamuri brothers NTR and Kalyan Ram are maintaining a close relationship. NTR will next be working under Kalyan Ram’s home production venture to be directed by Vakkantham Vamsi. Interim, NTR’s Janatha Garage and Kalyan Ram’s Ism are releasing in a gap of one and half months. While the Koratala Siva directorial arriving first on August 12th, the Puri Jagannadh directed movie is seeing lights for dussehra.