Young Tiger NTR’s Janatha Garage is being planned for September 2nd release as Vinayaka Chaviti Special. The actor will be doing his next film for writer Vakkantham Vamsi. The project is in pipeline for a long time and NTR’s Brother, Kalyan Ram will be producing the film on his NTR Arts Banner.
It is emerging that NTR wants to do this film for free. Kalyan Ram lost big money on his last production, Kick-2. Back then, NTR even helped to release the film with some last minute finance. He is once again helping Kalyan Ram by doing the film for free. However Kalyan Ram is planning to give him a share in the profits after the movie release.
Vakkantham is waiting for a long time for NTR’s dates to this project which marks his directional debut. He is currently giving final touches to the script. Sources say that the film will be a very different one for NTR and is said to be a thriller which takes the audience on an an emotional roller-coaster ride.