It is well known that Young Tiger NTR has joined hands with his ‘Janatha Garage’ director Koratala Siva for a pan-Indian film. The announcement video which came out a few weeks back created a lot of hype for the movie. #NTR30 is going to present Tarak in a completely different avatar and Koratala is making sure that he scores a blockbuster this time without fail.
After wrapping up his part for ‘RRR’ last year, NTR did not go back to the sets. After getting done with the promotions of ‘RRR’, he took a vacation and spent quality time with his family. Koratala is yet to begin the shooting and sources claim that NTR has begun working out at the gym to attain the perfect look for #NTR30.
Apparently, he is going to be seen in a slim and fit look in this movie and is going through physical transformation. News is that he is going to get into the required shape within a month and the shooting is expected to kickstart from either August or September. This pan-Indian movie is expected to hit the screens in the second half of 2023.
This untitled project will have Ratnavelu as the director of photography while Sabu Cyril is the production designer. Written and directed by Koratala Siva, it will be bankrolled underNTR Arts and Yuda Sudha Arts banners. NTR also has another film planned with ‘KGF’ director Prasanth Neel.