Young Tiger NTR who attained stardom at very young age fell short in the number race in recent times with out a 40C share movie, However, he had two promising projects, Baadshah and Harish Shankar movie in the lineup. While Baadshah is progressing fast, Harish is taking all care to deliver a blockbuster to NTR. According to early plans, the makers are planning to release the movie on July 9th. It is a special date in NTR’s career, it was on that day in 2003, his Simhadri got released and became a super duper hit.
The movie will be produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara films banner. Dil Raju earlier produced NTR’s Brindavanam. Samantha is one of the female leads. Thaman will compose the music.