The alleged rift between Balakrishna and Jr NTR gained focus with ‘Dictator’ & ‘Nannaku Prematho’ clashing during the Sankranthi season. In a recent interview, Suma quizzed Jagapathi Babu about the kind of experience he had while working with Balakrishna for ‘Legend’.
The Family Hero replied: ‘Its Nice! He is also a straight forward person. Luckily, I don’t have issues with anyone and everyone were nice to me’. Its then Jagapathi Babu revealed about a small discussion which took place between Tarak & Him during the making of ‘Nannaku Prematho’.
One fine day, Jagapathi enquired with Jr what’s the issue between him and Balayya, and advised why don’t they patch up! In response, NTR clearly told he have no issues at all with Balayya Babai and there is nothing he have against the person whom he treats like a father figure.
‘Tarak hasn’t spoken a single extra word till Today, which I really appreciate. Everyone should know about it why because his mind and conscience has been so clear!,’ opines the Senior Actor.