Young Tiger NTR is all set to make his Kannada Singing debut. The actor rendered a song for Puneeth Raj Kumar’s Chakravyuha couple of months ago. The movie will see the light very soon. The makers of Chakravyuha are planning to kick-start their film promotions with the release of that song.
The song will be out on March 8th. The Producer of Chakravyuha, Lohith is a close friend to Tarak and he convinced the actor to make this happen. Chakravyuha is 25th film of Puneeth’s career. Kajal Aggarwal also sang a song for the film. That song is the first ever song in any language for the actress.
Tarak’s mother Shalini hails for Karnataka and also the actor enjoys huge popularity here. And so Tarak’s song will work out well for Chakravyuha. The audio release event will happen on March 12th. Thaman has composed music for the film. Chakravyuha makers are yet to announce their release plan.