Koratala Siva has become the most sought-after director in Tollywood. After delivering Blockbusters with ‘Mirchi’ & ‘Srimanthudu’, Siva is currently working for ‘Janatha Garage’ with Young Tiger NTR. The shooting part of this film under progress and the makers are planning to release ‘Janatha Garage’ on August 12, 2016.
According to the latest reports, Koratala is likely to work once again with NTR in 2017. Popular Distributor Mikkilineni Sudhakar is the producer and Koratala will be directing this first film under Yuvasudha Arts banner. Sources close to the director said that Tarak has agreed to do a film in 2017 and Sudhakar will be producing that action entertainer.
Koratala’s next film will be under DVV Danayya’s production and the lead actor is yet to be announced. More details about Koratala Siva’s upcoming films will be out shortly.