Sunday is all filled with rumours of Young Tiger NTR meeting Tamil Nadu CM J.Jayalalithaa in a day or two to congratulate her on her recent Assembly elections victory. It comes as a big surprise as NTR is no way connected to Tamil Nadu or Tamil politics. However Janatha Garage team who is in Chennai clarified about it.
They laughed at it and brushed it off saying that they are baseless rumours. Janatha Garage team is in Chennai shooting for an action sequence of the film. The fight will be canned till June 2nd and it will be followed by two days talkie part shoot. The team will return to Hyderabad to begin a song shoot here from 6th June.
The recently released first look posters have set the expectations soaring. The First Look Teaser of the film will begin in the first week of June. Non-stop schedules are planned for the film so that the entire shooting will be completed by mid July. The makers are planning to release the movie on August 12th, 2016.