Young Tiger NTR is currently shooting for his Janatha Garage. The actor is likely to do the project under the direction of Vakkantham Vamsi as his next film. NTR’s brother, Kalyan Ram will be producing the film under his NTR Arts Banner.
Besides this project, NTR also committed to Hanu Raghavapudi. Hanu Raghavapudi is fresh from the success of Krishna Gadi Veera Prema Gadha. He reportedly met NTR few days ago and narrated a story. The young director reportedly got a positive nod from the actor.
It is said that Hanu is working on a love story with a first of its kind characterization for the actor. If everything goes as per plans, this project might roll out towards the end of the next year.
NTR fans can expected a complete make over from the actor in this film. Janatha Garage is being planned for August 12th release this year. Vakkantham Vamsi project will begin immediately after that.