As we know the makers of Young Tiger Ntr’s ‘Naannaku Prematho’ locked the release date of their film on January 8 while Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna’s ‘Dictator’ was scheduled for release on January 14 as a Sankrnathi gift.
However, some of the media houses reported that Ntr was not interested in his movie showed off opposite to babai Balakrishna’s ‘Dictator’ film. His alleged decision showed a gesture of his respect on babai.
But then, the decision of Ntr has not gone down well with his fans and the buyers. If at all the movie misses Sankranthi, maximum damage may have to be faced by the production team. Sensing the harm to be done for the movie, the makers of the movie have reportedly sent the feelers to trade people that there would be no change of the release date of the movie and the world wide premieres will also be screened on January 7 itself, a day prior to the release of the movie.