Young Tiger NTR who is busy shuffling between the shootings of his Baadshah and Harish Shankar movie had okayed his next. The movie will have its launch ceremony on 13th of this month. Kandireega fame Santosh Srinivas will be wielding megaphone for this project. Ram was supposed to do this project but he opted out of it due to differences with the producer. NTR had liked the story and immediately okayed it.
Samantha will be pairing up with NTR in this movie. This will be the third combination of NTR and Samantha after Brindavanam and Harish Shankar movie. The regular shooting of the movie will begin in the second half of the year. Devi Sri Prasad will be scoring music for this movie. Bellamkonda Suresh will be producing this movie under his Sri Sai Ganesh movies banner. More details of this project are expected very soon.