After Balakrishna Nandamuri has recently announced to be planning a film on his legendary father NTR Sr, discussions have begun on how people like Chandrababu Naidu, Lakshmi Parvathi etc. will be portrayed in the biopic. Now, Congress leader Nadendla Bhaskara Rao, who tried to usurp the CM chair from NTR in 1984, has sad that his character should be portrayed as a hero in the film.
Nadendla, who was made the finance minister in NTR’s cabinet when the Telugu film legend swept the 1983 elections, had pulled a coup on NTR in 1984. Although Chandrababu Naidu hatched similar conspiracy behind NTR, he showed it to people in a convincing manner. Nadendla however remained a black spot in Nandamuri and TDP circles.
Nadendla has now claimed that his character must be shown as hero in NTR’s film as he was the real founder of TDP. He accused Naidu as the real villain in NTR’s life and warned that if he was shown as a villain he would come in front of media and reveal several hidden secrets that could damage the reputation of NTR Sr. He also warned to reveal some key details about NTR’s life if Balakrishna appraoches him.
After Lakshmi Parvathi issued similar threat, Nadendla’s warning has come as another shocker to Baalyya and Co. Amidst all these controversies, it would not be easy to take this biopic onto floors.