Nannaku Prematho is doing wonders to the career of NTR as the movie is certain to be joining the Rs 50 Cr club amidst tough competition. The movie has proved that if one gives him ‘right entertainer’ and releases without competition, NTR would create new records. Hence the buyers are offering fancy rates to NTR’s next movie “Janata Garage” to be directed by hit maker Koratala Siva.
Trade buzz is that a Rayalaseema distributor bought the rights of “Janata Garage” for Ceded area for record price of Rs 9 Cr. Shooting is yet to be begin, and the business has already been closed. The distributor is said to have distributed Koratala’s “Srimanthudu” in one district and is confident of Koratala’s magic.
NTR has great fan following in Ceded area but recently he was falling behind. With “Nannaku Prematho” he is back in the reckoning, hence the buyers are competing with each other to snatch the rights of Koratala – NTR movie.