Young Tiger NTR had won everyone’s hearts when he graced Bharat Ane Nenu’s pre-release event a couple of weeks ago. At the event, Tarak heaped praises on Mahesh and went on to call him an inspiration for the kind of experiments he did while no other star dared to attempt.
And now, it’s Tarak once again, winning the hearts of his and Mahesh’s fans. The Nandamuri hero took to Twitter and appreciated Bharat Ane Nenu wholeheartedly. NTR said that blending social responsibility with commercial elements is not an easy job and lauded BAN’s director Koratala Siva for balancing both aspects beautifully.
Talking about his ‘Mahesh Anna’ the Young Tiger said that Mahesh’s performance was flawless. He then congratulated the entire team of Bharat Ane Nenu and termed the movie as an honest and remarkable film. Won’t it be a touching moment to see all our top stars appreciating each other’s work and setting a positive trend among their fans like Mahesh and NTR did?