The Banjara Hills police filed a nuisance case on young actor Tanish and a motorist for allegedly involving in a public spat and causing disturbance to public. On Thursday night, Tanish allegedly hit a motorist named Suresh with his car on Jubilee Hills Road No 45 and sped away, without bothering to stop.
However, Suresh chased down the actor’s car and caught him at the Jubilee Hills Check Post, and the duo involved in a serious verbal altercation loaded with filthy words and even a minor scuffle. Soon, the traffic cops got hold of both the sparring people and took them to the police station, where nuisance cases were filed on both of them.
Popular for his child roles in films like Nagarjuna’s Manmadhudu, Devullu and Harivillu etc, Tanish became a hero with Nachavule and gained prominence with films like Ride, Em Pillo Em Pillado, and the superhit Mem Vayasuku Vacham and the Manchu family’s Pandavulu Pabdavulu Thummeda.