Young Bollywood action star Tiger Shroff had bagged a lead role in sports drama titled `Ganpat’ lately. As per the reports, this Vikas Bahl directorial would feature Tiger donning the hat of a Mumbai based boxer that would chronicle the incidents of an underdog rags to riches story involving a great father son bonding.
The buzz is that the film makers who planned to go on floors in December this year has roped in Nupur Sanon as primary and Nora Fatehi as secondary lead actors.
This dazzler was seen at Pooja Entertainment office recently. Also, as opposed to news speculations that Nora would do an item number, she has in fact been signed for a full length feature film after seeing her acting debut with Batla house.
Both female lead roles are undisclosed in this venture. The film is touted to be a raw and high octane action sports saga. Currently Tiger Shroff has already begun training for his character as a boxer. With his prior experience in gymnastics and karate, makers believe that he would fit the bill.
Well, our Telugu readers would have felt a wee bit familiar. Probably a cliched story line like our Telugu film `Amma nanna o Tamil ammay’?. However, no official remake reports have surfaced yet and it is to be waited further.