Indians may be celebrating the improved relations and Modi mania in Maddison Square, vis a vis world’s most powerful nation USA. However it is coming out that US President Barak Obama is getting ready to delight Pakistan an unforgettable Christmas gift.
According to the latest it is coming out that US is planning to give 6000 crs (1 billion USD) aid to Pakistan for supporting it in its operations in Afghanistan. US decided to spend 578 billion dollars for defence in the financial year 2015 according to National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA).
However it decided to give 1 billion USD aid to Pakistan from CSF(Coalition Security Fund). However it comes with restrictions. Pakistan will get the aid only if it acts tough on terror organisations operating from its soil, especially Hakkani Network.
The defence policy bill is yet to get clearance from US defence ministry. Even after US withdrew its forces from Afghanistan, Pakistan has been demanding CSF funds increase to it.