On the eve of young tiger NTR Jr’s birthday, a surprising announcement has been made. It’s about the actor’s 29th film tentatively being referred as #NTR29.Star director Koratala Siva, who earlier directed NTR in ‘Janatha Garage’ will once again call shots for the actor in #NTR29. Mikkilineni Sudhakar will produce this high budget film on his newly floated banner, Yuvasudha Arts. This film will go on floors after NTR completes Jai Lava Kusa and a Trivikram’s film – #NTR28.
After completing ‘Bharat Anu Nenu’ with Mahesh Babu, Koratala will work on the script for NTR’s film. The actor has already given his nod for the single line narrated by Koratala. The actor’s line up of films look formidable.