Actor-turned-politician Vijayashanthi on Thursday met Sonia Gandhi in New Delhi. Following the meet Ramulamma confirmed that she has joined Congress party. The yesteryear actress and Medak sitting MP thanked UPA chairperson Sonia for carving out Telangana State. So, now both Chiranjeevi and his heroine Vijayasanthi are in Congress party.
After saying bid adieu to films, Vijayashanthi forayed into politics and started her political career as a member of BJP. Later she floated a political party Talli Telangana and soon she merged it with TRS. Later she won as a MP from Medak in 2009 and later resigned in 2011 in favour of Telanagna. But her resignation was not accepted as it flouted the format.Meanwhile, things swiftly changed and Shanthi was suspended from TRS amid speculations that she would join Congress. Of late, she is missing in headlines and staying away from politics despite Congress’ announcement on carving out of Telangana. Vijayashanthi’s conspicuous absence during the troubled times of the state is conspicuous and raising many doubts. All of sudden before elections, she made a surprising entry!