Spoke recently with Raghuram garu… He was in TDP! Oh he changed the party,” satired Jana Sena Party chief Pawan Kalyan. In his speech Pawan addressed Raghuram as TDP leader but the people who came for the public meeting reacted that he is in YSRCP.
“Oh I have no knowledge that he joined YSRCP,” said Pawan in a mocking way. Then Pawan said many leaders from Jana Sena feared to contest from Narsapur because of the money influence in the elections. So after a long thought process, I brought in my own brother Naga Babu to contest from here. Though he was not ready, I convinced him.”
Earlier Pawan has claimed that many leaders from TDP wanted to join Jana Sena and because of threats from Hyderabad, most of them joined YSR Congress party.