King Nagarjuna’s latest devotional venture, Om Namo Venkatesa will have its launch on 29th of this month. The film’s regular shoot will begin from the first week of July. The makers are erecting a set resembling ancient Tirupati in Annapurna Studios. The film is on Lord Venkateswara Swamy and his famous disciple, Hathi Rambabaji. The script work is complete.
If the reports emerging from Filmnagar are to be believed, Anushka Shetty is roped in for Nagarjuna’s devotional venture, Om Namo Venkatesa. Sources say that the actress will seen in a complete de-glamour role in the film and will be playing the role of Sanyasin in the film. But sources say the character will have lot of scope for acting.
Official announcement about this is yet to arrive. Kanche fame Pragya Jaiswal and Vimala Raman are playing important roles in the movie. The other day, we have also let out a news that TV Artist, Saurabh Jain who acted in the roles like Vishnu, Rama and Krishna is finalized for Lord Venkateswara Swamy role in the movie. Keeravani is scoring music for the film.