Superstar Rajinikanth and Sensational director Shankar’s 2.0 is getting bigger and bigger. We have already seen him picking up Akshay Kumar to play the main villain in the film. And now he brought in talented Hindi actor, Adil Hussain will be doing a key role in the film.
Adil is the same actor who played Sridevi’s husband in her come back film English Vinglish. The movie shooting is currently on at Tharamani Film City where few crucial scenes on Rajinikanth are being canned. After this schedule, the team will shoot scenes on Akshay Kumar for 10 days at the EVP, Tiruvottiyur and a few other locations until June 3.
Few leaked images of the film show Akshay Kumar playing negative role will be seen in a different avatar resembling a crow. According to reliable sources, the movie is titled ‘Chitti 2.0’ in Telugu and the title is also registered with the Film Chamber.
The movie is being shot in 3D made with top technicians from all over the globe making it a complete world class film. Amy Jackson is the female lead. The movie will be costing a whopping 350 Crore according to an estimate.