Both Shankar and Rajamouli two highly talented directors in South India as their films speak much louder than their actions. Shankar is always known for his social-message oriented films while Rajamouli’s films embrace show of heroism. Both these directors pay huge attention to detail and take months of time to conceive movies.
Even their films need enormous budgets and star-cast, sometimes though they rely on their content by casting lesser-famed stars. And yet, there is one major difference the kind of style they are having. Sheer difference between Shankar and Rajamouli is this- Rajmouli makes known and regular things more effective with his screenplay, while Shankar displays enormous screenplay skills to make unknown and fantasy elements reach audiences effectively.
If we take a note at all of Rajamouli’s blockbusters like Vikramarkudu, Magadheera, Eega and Maryada Ramanna, the storyline somewhat looks pretty known but the presentation is hair rising. However Shankar’s movies like Oke Okkadu, Aparichitudu and Robo have unique concepts that deal with new elements we never heard of.
More than anything else, Shankar is a fan of Rajamouli and vice-versa. Shankar’s ‘I’ is set for Pongal release on Jan 14th, while Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘Baahubali’ will release coming April.