The young actor Nikhil has created a space for himself in the Telugu Cinema. Though he took a little while after his debut super hit Happy Days, Nikhil was super fast in creating a niche for himself. His next flick is going on floors from December second week.
After Shankarabharanam a comedy thriller releasing on Decmber 4th, Nikhil would be shooting for this yet to be titled film being directed by Tiger fame VI Anand. Though the genre of this Anand-Nikhil film is yet to be known, it’s announced that Nikhil in this flick would be romancing three heroines.
Tapsee and Avika Gore have already signed the film and this is the first time that Nikhil would be paring with an actress of Tapsee’s class and that shows what potential Nikhil is up for now. The other one being Avika, The third heroine is yet to be picked but if you have any wild guesses it could be true, Yes Swathi Reddy is under consideration.