Renowned yogi, mystic Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev rarely heaps praises. But breaking the norm, Mr Jaggi Vasudev praised AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. In order to build confidence and use one’s mind, body effectively, the founder of one of the largest non-profit organisations Isha Foundation, Sadhuguru taught yoga, meditation classes and inner engineering programmes to CM, his cabinet ministers and higher officials for three days.
Popular as Sadhguru and who gave lectures in premier institutes like MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), shared his opinion on Naidu and his team. “All who are distressed about various state governments should visit Andhra. CM @ncbn and team are an inspiration. -Sg”
Both Mr Naidu and Sadhugur announced that Andhra Pradesh is the first state to invest in human resources development. “Andhra CM @ncbn and team have set profound example to the nation and world by turning inward.
Isha is fully committed to the CM @ncbn ‘s vision of increasing happiness quotient for people of Andhra. Isha will participate both in consultation & actively in areas of human resource, environment & education in Andhra. -Sg”