Energetic Hero Ram’s latest movie Ongole Gitta had completed its censor formalities on Tuesday. The Regional Censor Board had watched the special screening of Ongole Gitta and had awarded ‘A’ certificate for the movie. The movie reportedly contained a scene in which Prakash Raj appeared nude. Even though, the scenes are blurred, the Censor board is keen on A certificate. The movie will now be releasing on February 1st.
Kriti Kharbanda who was seen in films like ‘Boni’, ‘Ala Modalaindi’ (guest role), ‘Teen Maar’ and ‘Mr Nookayya’ will be pairing up with Ram in this movie. Bommarillu Bhaskar is directing this movie. ‘Ongole Gitta’ is produced by BVSN Prasad with music by G V Prakash Kumar. Mani Sharma had composed a song and worked on the rerecording of the movie.