King Nagarjuna and Tamil actor Karthi’s latest offering, Oopiri/Thozha completed their full run at the box office. Both the Telugu and Tamil versions put together have collected 50.32 Crore Share. These are mindblowing numbers given the fact, the movie was a class film and can be considered as a brave effort since Nagarjuna is confined to wheel chair through out the film.
This is the first 50 Crore Share film in Nagarjuna’s career. His previous blockbuster, Soggade Chinni Nayana just missed it. This is also the biggest hit in the career of Karthi. Oopiri/Thozha is the official remake of French film, The Untouchables and was directed by Vamshi Paidipalli.
Here is the breakup of Oopiri Final Total Collections:
Nizam: 8.01 Crore
Ceeded: 3.18 Crore
Vizag: 3.05 Crore
East: 1.92 Crore
West: 1.28 Crore
Krishna: 1.76 Crore
Guntur: 2.10 Crore
Nellore: 0.85 Crore
AP+Nizam: 22.15 Crore
Tamil Nadu: 14.73 Crore
Karnataka: 4.71 Crore
ROI: 0.95 Crore
USA: 6.52 Crore
ROW: 1.3 Crore
Total WW : 50.36 crores Share