In yet another big jolt to Telangana Congress, the party’s senior most leaders – Nalgonda MP Gutta Sukhender Reddy, former MP G Vivek and his brother Vinod and CPI MLA Ravindra Naik officially announced that they will join the ruling TRS party soon.
The leaders said that they are switching their loyalties towards TRS impressed by Chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s efforts to transform the newly formed state as Bangaru (Golden) Telangana. They will join TRS in the presence of KCR on an auspicious day. The leaders have been asked to join TRS with all their followers.
TRS party leaders said that the migrations from Congress would continue as many other leaders are in touch with KCR. Many of these leaders expressed eagerness to join the TRS at the earliest. The poaching of other leaders under ‘Operation Akarsh’ would continue as part of the political realignment in the state till the 2019 elections.